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Showing posts from July, 2016

Sunday, Faith, CONQUEST.

The conquest for today is faith. It's Sunday again! Have FAITH!!!!! We speak lots about things and stuff that encourage good living, and sharing good living with others. The purpose is to Encourage all of us to have an attitude that is forever focused on better living. It is also to remind ourselves (With You Included) of the fact that no life or lives can improve without love. Have FAITH!!!!!! We are now therefore, with these short and sweet words above, going to ask you to go and take a moment to sit and think IN FAITH, OR relax and think BY FAITH, whichever suits you best, ON and ABOUT LIFE itself. In so doing, try to focus mainly on the 'positives' and see or decide WHICH WOULD YOU SELECT and decide (or pick!) as the most important for living. Have FAITH!!!! Let's say take the above paragraph as OUR TASK FOR TODAY- #thinkSunday. We are also going to do the same! We are going to provide feedback as soon as we are ready from our side by UPDATING THIS POST!!!! ...

'SundayCARE' gives life directon!

The beautiful day begins with high anticipation of beauty, hope, love, joy, care and ASPIRATION of all things beautiful for everyone..... We hope you've been reading along! We also hope that we've been making a huge difference in your days! Sunday care gives life direction, just like any care you give on any other day of the week. We need to consider the struggling and the hungry when we live our lives. Those that need to be educated also cry loudly because they know if they were to get JUST THAT LITTLE HOPE, they would be able to feed themselves all the necessary knowledge needed to be self-sustaining! Please consider helping out whenever you can. Look around, Identify, Put Your Coat on And start doing something that can be Worthwhile for the FUTURE AND FUTURES OF ALL THAT LIVE LIFE!!!!! RIGHT NOW! LISTEN WITH THE SOUL THAT IS MADE FOR CARE. Give CARE!

Yes Yes it's one of those #SundayMatters !

Like it or not, the previous Sunday the 10 th we did post! Did you think we didn't? It's only the 17 th that we didn't! No worries  , just matters of LIFE…. *So you remember we said CHECK EVERY OTHER 2 ND SUNDAY… we were right! But go every Sunday if you CAN!!! Something is always there to go through again… #EnufEnough with APOLOGIES What do we do for this previous Sunday??? We need to make it up for 17 TH THAT IS… Mm mm mm?!? We do a verse: Proverbs 10: 1 "TOUCHING ISN'T IT?" **Better be late and sorry than never!** We hope this makes us think a bit. It is one of the true paths to take to be a wise human being. ALWAYS IS!!! Go now and reflect on truth! 

Sunday for joy a☺d love_ #SundayJOYLOVE

We Call It, Sunday Joy A  D Love. BUT there's sadness somewhere in the Planet ? #TODAY we have chosen  joy and love. We have done so in remembrance of those that struggle. We are remembering them because without  #ourLOVE including your love which refers to us, AS HUMANITY, nothing positive and encouraging can manifest OUT OF THEIR POOR SOULS! Please use these #tags often to help connect them(The #tags), to this blog so that OUR MESSAGE OF PEACE, LOVE, JOY, HAPPINESS, GOODWILL can extend and spread where needed! ***Note also that WHEN WE REFER TO our, we, us, all, together, etc., WE REFER TO ALL OF US AS A UNIT THAT WANTS ONLY GOOD FOR HUMANITY as only together (WE or us or all of us!), we can have strength that's unified and strong enough and shift these mountains of SADNESS???? Here are the #tags below ⤵ #thinkSUNDAY #thinkPOOR #thinkSyndaysAREboring #joy #love #care #encouragementANDstrength #peace #togetherness #happiness #enJOYSunday #enJOYSu...

Happy Happy happy Sunday is #HappySUNDAY always!

For You #TODAY with Love, though it's 1dayLate it's still for SUNDAY! We have chosen 'happy Sunday' for this week. This is because happiness is a need to all of us but to have and keep it, seems too expensive isn't it??? WHO IS TO BLAME REALLY!?!!? Is it us or some foreign greedy force is responsible! If it's not us and the latter is responsible, why attack us so brutally!? Now!!!! Whoever or whatever is the perpetrator, the victim remains us!!! That's what needs fixing!!! It matters not who we are and where we are from, we all are in need of faith, trust, and love. That's the true beginning of #Happiness! AND yes there are many, many and many other priorities we have, BUT try to begin right there with 'faith, trust and love' to see if all else will follow and fall into place automatically??? Give it a try ok? Happy Sunday to you always :) :) go4YOURvisionCHECK(-: To Go For Your "Clear" Vision Instantly!