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Showing posts from May, 2016

The Sunday we did nothing but posted!

Hello with Love 😊 As it's commonly our duty to post on Sundays, here we are at it again.... Today we didn't do much that was interesting, BUT WE KNOW WE ENJOYED THE DAY❗ How Super Beautiful ☀ Anyway let's just get back to the matter of today. We choose faith #TODAY..... Just how deep is the cut for you- we mean that of faith in your life? NO, NO, NO! Don't Answer!!!! It's personal to you! Here is something sweet but not that overly so: Faith spins the coin to land favourably all the time! ✔ That should be your mojo!!!!!! This is where we end. Some fruits to think about so get going 😋 See you next time, #JOY

Beautiful is Sunday whenever ! ! ! ! !

:) Why craze over miniature things when Sundays are so Beautiful... This is what other people are doing on Sundays: _Prayer for the day! ~Church a few hours! _Cook for the day! ~Feast and enjoy the feast! _Take a walk for the day! ~Exercise the mind, body and soul! _Swim for some time! ~Cool some nerves and pains! _REFLECT on life and living in life for a good while! ~FIND that thing called meaning to it all! With exceptions of those that just can't place value to life, Life Is a Pleasure to Live! A simple combination of simplicity and beauty. DON'T CAST OUT PEOPLE NOW!!!!! It doesn't mean when there are those that don't really value life, doing it ONLY when they have something to gain, you must completely let them be devoured by evil. DO SOMETHING to help change the situation!!!!! Getting Back to BEAUTIFUL Sunday:- It may be sunny for you or duller. BUT try to see its beauty because it will recognise you too! GET IT??? "In the end we s...

Sunday a Brighter Day!

In this post today, we are dwelling in the finer things of Sundays. There are birds out there, a clean breeze and occasional whistling of a passerby. Today no Church hymns- Church nearby starts around 45minutes from now. The finer things of Sunday We can laugh and it usually seems our laughter echoes to million miles away. We can rest or sleep into hours of sleep as though we are nursed into it. Ease comes naturally bringing cool breezes with it. The is no domination of anything that fills our schedule up which at the end we exhibit exhaustion of labouring. We can choose to go deep into thought or lightly flow away into our deep imbedded dreams. It is time to munch up, think of the ones without that opportunity , AND JUMP UP WITH JOY that😅 WE(you too included!) HELPED SOMEONE! #thinkSunday TO #enJOYSunday and its finer things ABSOLUTELY #TODAY TO HAVE #JOY Take the Reign, We Love You Too #TODAY   o.........

#JOY #enJOYSunday #thinkSunday __The day we Love.

Deliberate JOY__ exceptional joy ! Our thinking must include increasing the level of joy we feel for each and every day we live and spend in this planet. Happy Morning Sunday this morning :) and how is you today! Hope all is well and proper this morning! (: *Please Consider to Share our posts with friends, family and all whom you may feel to share them with. We would like for 'the peace of life' to spread to all that may be starving from it and also increase the tempo of those already filled with it. Thanks! "For today it is all about assurance!!!! Yes, certainty in 'The Good Doings' in life and the satisfaction there from. Resulting in the assurance we are guaranteed in having faith" How can one be assured that Faith Works? F» by having it is the ultimate first step ! ! ! ! ! FA» by believing in it is the next great step ! ! ! ! FAI» by applying it in your every encounter is another ! ! ! FAIT» by nurturing it through growing it is yet an...

Hi, Hope Had Hopeful Humble Happy Sunday! :) :) ...and still Humorous still

"We wish you a joyful day, We wish you a journey of lifetime, We wish you a jubilant heart, And we wish you a Challenging Life That's Filled With Solutions One After The Other!!!!!" _SUNDAY!!!!! Short is the vibe for #Today As we had a day that was quietly occupied with little this and that, we are almost exhausted. We were busy but seriously unaware that we were so involved. Now we want to: •Say sing a Sunday song at least once in a day for every other day of the week! •Salute your Faith in #Living because that's Food For Your Soul! •Cheer you up if you are feeling lost and unsafe by saying Trust In GOD through Christ our Jesus! •Say jump up before another day to ready yourself because GREAT EVERLASTING #JOY could be in it! •Let you know we love Sundays cos we love You, Life, and ourselves toO! Let this be the #VIBEforTHISSunday Exhausted! Enjoy the rest of the week with #thinkSUNDAY! (You CAN use the hashtag- #thinkSUNDAY -to help us gro...