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Showing posts from 2016

Choose Strength!

We are nearing Christmas :-) let's choose strength over weakness! 🎅 🎄   We all have ideas, dreams, concerns and doubts. Let us not be weak and allow challenges demotivate us! We need to choose strength.   Faith and Trust give us a head start in every experience! Remember.   To refer to Psalms 2, check this link that follows   Hope you are ready for Christmas!!!!!  

For 20 November 2016! (Sadly :( Missed)

Hello again!   Yes sadly we missed to post. It's no sweat as we are here now!   Have you been catching up on some verse reading? Try Proverbs 59...   ...And dwell more on self-questioning!   **Let us know how things went through commenting. Thanks and "Best Blessings"!!!  


In this life and whichever other life, there is absolutely no one like Him!   He is the only Father. The only Father of Grace and Mercy.   He shows us Grace every time. He already offered His Mercy to us all.   If we live with Love, Truth, Humility, Compassion and follow His Instructions, nothing will disturb us! Our ways and paths would be clear and solid like Love is!   Let's love one another. Let's encourage one another. Let's cherish one another. Let's help one another. Let's enjoy life knowing life is for us to live well and wisely!   Hope your Sunday was great!!!!!   :)      

Don't Be Blue!

Be wise and be happy! Don't be blue OK!!!   JOY is a ride. It is a journey of all sorts.   Sometimes we receive great news and sometimes not??? But choose joy, not to be blue!   Life may be trickier than we thought, but JOY is trickiest to a great extent!!!   Choose it anyway. It is joy you need. Not to be blue! Joy is it.   And take care always, 😊  


Sunday attitude! Sunday attitudes!   We live to celebrate.   We live to rejoice.   We live to be absolutely free.   But then when we live to fear challenges, we invite fear itself!   Let us choose well.   Let us choose to fight and be happy.   Let us let love guide our journeys of life!   To respect life and its beauty, we indeed carve the greatest paths for ourselves.   Let's leave the trivial matters to their total trivialities!   Let's gain momentum. Positivity is calling us!!!   We can now relax and read   Proverbs 3   for #today.   See you next Sunday!   Have a great attitude.   Love  

Sisit ....Sunday Is It #thinkSUNDAY; Value in Previous post 'Title' to be remembered!

Now thoughts must be on 'The Reflection' of a 'Waterfall'!   Refer to Previous Post....     AND ALSO keep reading these highlights found in 'SUNDAY!!!! The blog' which is this blog (every other) two Sundays or each one if possible.

No Fear!

Fear tends to present no Opportunity for living a free life. Let's Have NO FEAR!   Prov. 7 is a great read for Sunday the 16 th .   When we learn to put FAITH first, we cultivate a path of success and FOR SUCCESS. Fear on the other hand promotes mishap(s)!?! BE WARNED... fear must be avoided at all cost. Faith must be our way of life, for eternity, for free living.   Hope you enjoyed the past Sunday :)   *Lots of Love  

Sunday: Music!

  Hello today! :-)   Sunday and its music?? What's yours? What's your Blessed Music for Sundays?   We do Sunday music only(not perfectly so as no one is! BUT WE TRY.)! ...Religious, Gospel and all. Why is that you ask?? Because for us Sunday is about CONNECTION.   Sing glory..... Sing Glory.... etc.   Also not to forget our (That's you and us!!!!!) reading for this day:   Luke 2- Luke Chapter 2(Two)   As a form of closure we have this....   Open your eyes in the morning to a beautiful day. Freshen up making your activities for the day smooth. Feed your system food that nourishes so as to have the necessary energy flowing through you so as when you jump up in Glory, you are strong enough. Then look around; who needs encouragement, companionship, who needs the food that you are able to have but they can't??   Say Thank You you are able to!!!!   Until next time :-)   Sent from Mail for Windows 10  

Sunday Cute Sweet Smells

18 September 2016 We failed to post on this day. It was for a good reason. Nephew special day. Feast, Celebration, Fun and Baptismal! Check Psalms 4 for the missed day.   25 September 2016 Another miss which is excusable! We just felt too fatigued from the previous Sunday. Check The Book of James!   Then today is the 02 October 2016 which we believe we are back!!!!! Yeah we are and we are Speaking: "Cute Sweet Smells" for the day.     It is in life that we get to experience life and its wonders. The cute side of life is that we get to choose whenever we like! Then the sweet should be 'This Means We Are Very Special Beings of our Heavenly Father'. How about we set aside some time TO START SMELLING THE ROSES THAT we are indeed "Cute Sweet Smells" that add value to this life???? Challenge Yourselves and Read To Understand EFFICIENTLY !   Read 'Proverbs 5'   That's it for #today, Have a lovely read and continue the cute you , sweet you and smelly you...

A missed Sunday but it's still fully IMPORTANT!

Hello... 🙈 But we made it anyway and that's important!   We made a miss this Sunday but that's ok. We knew we would finally make it because 'The Father' wanted us to. We are THANKFUL for life, this opportunity and His Guidance!   ...did you get to connect this Sunday? We hope you can let us know through comments how the day went. We would appreciate it. 😉   "...We Would Like To Say relax, reflect, and run to Him with all that you have!"   *That's (above) the important piece to help get stronger with love for Sunday the 11 th that we missed.   Be Well!      

?? --❔❔


Sunday is truthful!

Sunday of hope! Sunday of peace! Sunday of love! Sunday of happiness! Sunday of truthful calmness!     Here we go again... "it reminds me of some music 🎶 !" Here we go again... promote peace, To promote love, To promote unity, To promote encouragement, And so on... And so on... And so on... Here we go again! Here we go! Here we go again... Here we go... ('Could be great for worthwhile lyrics hey??) Lol... Lol... :))   Ok, this Sunday we go with Titus 3: 7 as a special verse chosen. Have a read peacefully, truthfully and gain wisdom!   * Do we really know that we are special????   If we truthfully think thoroughly throughout this life we live, we can, if not surely, identify special moments of the beauty that comes from The Father- Our Gracious Father. We have proof that HE LOVES US 'unconditionally'!!!!!! So why wait for more proof?   There's a word:- "heirs' we identify with it as humans of true humility whom are God-Feari...


Screenshot of daily verse from Bible Quotes app!   'Believe' is our word for #today and it has power when applied in our lives.   #SundayBELIEVE   #thinkBELIEVE   If you read Romans 8: 37-39, you'll find there's power in the reading. This power is meant for us to use and believe in. It gives us the greenlight to trust in The Promise of the Almighty our true Companion in Life!!!!   When we believe we Conquer our doubts and whatever attacks aiming to disqualify us in any Beautiful Surrounding or setup Created Solely (BY HIM!) Especially For Us To Prosper!   Live well today. Believe well today. Trust well starting today!!!!!      


A soothing and an exciting feeling- someone thankful for the kind act you were responsible for! Wow!!!! *Not saying keep expecting to be shown your importance in life all the time BUT appreciate it and feel good, better and best. A 'thank ☺ you' to you should feel humbling and wonderful too; That's Where HUMILITY Becomes Prominent!   👣 Have a read and submit to humility for this is intense = Deuteronomy 31: 6 👣   #thinkTHANKYOU is rather also in two ways: _Yours to others and _The one from others   Both have significant value but none, in this writing have MORE VALUE than the one you should OBEDIENTLY say often AS THE ONE TO THE Almighty, our Father!!!!   This is generally the piece for #today ;-)   ps: By the way you can use these 'Pics or Images' only from this blog(SUNDAY!!!!!) for your words of "Inspiration" either for yourself or somebody else! They are a gift of love from us AND PLEASE use them responsibly and wisely- no ca...

Sunday strength.

#Aftermorning today 😊 How are you keeping up today? Hope all's well!   As it's our usual Sunday time to post, we would like to welcome you into this new day 'hopefully' for a new world to begin 🗺 and a better tomorrow for everyone FROM ALL ENDS OF LIFE. We hope you take the time to reflect with us!   The image selected for today is a screenshot of an app called Bible Quotes. Daily from this app you receive a random/chosen scripture for the day and we felt to share this one with you #today.   IT'S ALL ABOUT STRENGTH TODAY!   *Believe it or not, YOU MUST BELIEVE IN HIM TO HAVE all this true in your life!!!! You mustn't also forget to love HIM and give HIM all the Praise for things to work out!   From this end to yours, we Pray that you become Blessed with all the 'NECESSARY' strength for all adversities.   Have a great and A THANKFUL DAY. 😊   *If you like the app, you can find it by looking for it in your app-marketpla...

*The Pics Are 'A sweet Present 4 Women' !!* Title for today is:- Dreamers dream big nowadays.

Nicely explained!! 'Dreamers dream big nowadays' is our subject for today with a sweet theme that has women as the core of today's post and focus.   😘   " As we try and tread, we appreciate you even more. Because we live with you and amongst you, we respect you more. We are tired also that there are those that still haven't noticed your true value, worth and the impacting positive influence you have towards life. YOU SIMPLY JUST TOUCH LIVING DIFFERENTLY! We Encourage You To Go Beyond and Much Further. "   Those are the sweet words from us to you.   Some few special pointers follow below motivated by You As The Theme for today's writing. Please feel free to enjoy them! 😘     EXCELLENCE IN PATIENCE …your quality to treasure.   STRONG AT HEART …your strength for eternity.   YOU ARE MOTIVATED BY NATURE ...keep the candles burning.   CARING AND SWEET …the calmness of virtue.   DEAR IN MANY WAYS …your advantage to conquer calam...

Sunday LOVE.

This is chosen today! Sunday love for all Humanity. Refer 1John4:7 as today's READING. As we rock and as we roll today, let us carry love with each and every single step we take! It will carry us through the best day ever. Let us also remember to spread our wings in love in order to touch other souls TRULY PROMOTING love, togetherness and WISE PRIDE!!!! It is usually through this incomparable thing called UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that we can win All Battles CONVINCINGLY. What do you then choose? Live well today. Love well today. CONQUER ENORMOUSLY TODAY BECAUSE OF LIVING BY LOVING #TODAY! Till Next Sunday, #Happiness (-:

Sunday, Faith, CONQUEST.

The conquest for today is faith. It's Sunday again! Have FAITH!!!!! We speak lots about things and stuff that encourage good living, and sharing good living with others. The purpose is to Encourage all of us to have an attitude that is forever focused on better living. It is also to remind ourselves (With You Included) of the fact that no life or lives can improve without love. Have FAITH!!!!!! We are now therefore, with these short and sweet words above, going to ask you to go and take a moment to sit and think IN FAITH, OR relax and think BY FAITH, whichever suits you best, ON and ABOUT LIFE itself. In so doing, try to focus mainly on the 'positives' and see or decide WHICH WOULD YOU SELECT and decide (or pick!) as the most important for living. Have FAITH!!!! Let's say take the above paragraph as OUR TASK FOR TODAY- #thinkSunday. We are also going to do the same! We are going to provide feedback as soon as we are ready from our side by UPDATING THIS POST!!!! ...

'SundayCARE' gives life directon!

The beautiful day begins with high anticipation of beauty, hope, love, joy, care and ASPIRATION of all things beautiful for everyone..... We hope you've been reading along! We also hope that we've been making a huge difference in your days! Sunday care gives life direction, just like any care you give on any other day of the week. We need to consider the struggling and the hungry when we live our lives. Those that need to be educated also cry loudly because they know if they were to get JUST THAT LITTLE HOPE, they would be able to feed themselves all the necessary knowledge needed to be self-sustaining! Please consider helping out whenever you can. Look around, Identify, Put Your Coat on And start doing something that can be Worthwhile for the FUTURE AND FUTURES OF ALL THAT LIVE LIFE!!!!! RIGHT NOW! LISTEN WITH THE SOUL THAT IS MADE FOR CARE. Give CARE!

Yes Yes it's one of those #SundayMatters !

Like it or not, the previous Sunday the 10 th we did post! Did you think we didn't? It's only the 17 th that we didn't! No worries  , just matters of LIFE…. *So you remember we said CHECK EVERY OTHER 2 ND SUNDAY… we were right! But go every Sunday if you CAN!!! Something is always there to go through again… #EnufEnough with APOLOGIES What do we do for this previous Sunday??? We need to make it up for 17 TH THAT IS… Mm mm mm?!? We do a verse: Proverbs 10: 1 "TOUCHING ISN'T IT?" **Better be late and sorry than never!** We hope this makes us think a bit. It is one of the true paths to take to be a wise human being. ALWAYS IS!!! Go now and reflect on truth! 

Sunday for joy a☺d love_ #SundayJOYLOVE

We Call It, Sunday Joy A  D Love. BUT there's sadness somewhere in the Planet ? #TODAY we have chosen  joy and love. We have done so in remembrance of those that struggle. We are remembering them because without  #ourLOVE including your love which refers to us, AS HUMANITY, nothing positive and encouraging can manifest OUT OF THEIR POOR SOULS! Please use these #tags often to help connect them(The #tags), to this blog so that OUR MESSAGE OF PEACE, LOVE, JOY, HAPPINESS, GOODWILL can extend and spread where needed! ***Note also that WHEN WE REFER TO our, we, us, all, together, etc., WE REFER TO ALL OF US AS A UNIT THAT WANTS ONLY GOOD FOR HUMANITY as only together (WE or us or all of us!), we can have strength that's unified and strong enough and shift these mountains of SADNESS???? Here are the #tags below ⤵ #thinkSUNDAY #thinkPOOR #thinkSyndaysAREboring #joy #love #care #encouragementANDstrength #peace #togetherness #happiness #enJOYSunday #enJOYSu...

Happy Happy happy Sunday is #HappySUNDAY always!

For You #TODAY with Love, though it's 1dayLate it's still for SUNDAY! We have chosen 'happy Sunday' for this week. This is because happiness is a need to all of us but to have and keep it, seems too expensive isn't it??? WHO IS TO BLAME REALLY!?!!? Is it us or some foreign greedy force is responsible! If it's not us and the latter is responsible, why attack us so brutally!? Now!!!! Whoever or whatever is the perpetrator, the victim remains us!!! That's what needs fixing!!! It matters not who we are and where we are from, we all are in need of faith, trust, and love. That's the true beginning of #Happiness! AND yes there are many, many and many other priorities we have, BUT try to begin right there with 'faith, trust and love' to see if all else will follow and fall into place automatically??? Give it a try ok? Happy Sunday to you always :) :) go4YOURvisionCHECK(-: To Go For Your "Clear" Vision Instantly!

Fwd: Fw: Sunday for love, honesty and joy ? 😂✔☑

Be busy with JOY, love and honesty as it's Sunday! We are deciding to do something special today. Oh yes 😁 We are posting again! Here's more words with Wisdom:- "As you doubt doing that bad thing, you are probably right!!!!!" Aren't those CLEARLY WISE WORDS? They probably are. We believe living with or by love marks all life positive. We also believe choosing joy and honesty, can multiply ones living years which can guarantee the great works of The Almighty continue to spread throughout life! Dwell and Continue in His Glory..... A message with love. ________________________________ From: On !! On for Jesus.

Are you forever looking?

Are you forever in this mix? Looking and looking and looking ❓❓ #JOY   Pray your way through! More like: Pray your way to get back home.   Sweet, Warm, Touching! How Beautiful 😊 .   What's for today? we believe a Blessing is plentiful in Prayer. Bow down now, PRAY, Cherish sweetness of life afterwards! Simple as A B C. That's it.      

Simple Living.

There's a trick to it all! Simply 'Simple Living'. By putting up a foundation that's strong and has its core values that are strengthened by faith, you can live simply. You would not need to complicate life by too much "worries", because you know you laid a proper foundation! Our message for today is simple and short; 'Dwell not in trivial matters in life. RATHER have faith, trust, love, compassion, steadfastness, AND patience!' #BeWellBePatientByFaith and #thinkPOOR by giving a helping hand #TODAY :) :) #thinkSUNDAY go4vision(: Go For Your Vision Instantly!

#SundayRenamed... The Day We Love!

#thinkJOY Yet again we are back together again to celebrating the day we love! All Smiles and All Laughs for the benefit of HEALTH! (: How was the previous week for you? Hectic? "Just a blend of this and thaaaaat... for us, nothing to right home about." Sunday Sunday Beautiful Day! 'Could Be Lying If We Said It's Nice And Warm? Cloudy, Chilly, Light Wind, Looks Like Can Rain Any Minute! For this #thinkPOOR #thinkSUNDAY #thinkSundays #JOY #LOVE, we share this with you inside #TODAY.... READ WELL ! "Let there be joy amongst us. Let love rule our lives for results of fruity-fullness. Can we try to include the #poor in our day to day plans. May we always #think, consider, calculate, before we put any decision to work to know whether it will benefit life at large. Our thoughts reflect back to us, we may as well make sure they are Awesome!" #HAPPYSunday2YOU (: Sent from my BlackBerry®

Pride, Prudence and Perfection.

<![if !supportLists]> ·         <![endif]> Does everyone have 'Good pride'? Is prudence the way to go? Perfection- is there anything of that sort? One of the saddest things we get to live with is 'Imperfection'!!!! The other two, PRIDE AND PRUDENCE, not so hard to come by. Sure you agree on this don't you...... It is said that none of us(That is you, me, we, they, all) is absolute. In fact, it was said right then THEN that we were..... AND only through the..... we were forgiven and cleansed by..... AND so that we can have..... Yes that's true alright and only through our #GODGivenRIGHT can we receive all that rightfully belongs to us BUT we have to take the..... Step!!!!! How loving, caring and wise OUR Father is ☺ . #REMBA #TODAY IS SUNDAY (Yesterday?!) so have a lovely Sunday full of WARMTH not fear! All the love P.s. Think a bit about the first part with questions. Try to write down the answers som...

The Sunday we did nothing but posted!

Hello with Love 😊 As it's commonly our duty to post on Sundays, here we are at it again.... Today we didn't do much that was interesting, BUT WE KNOW WE ENJOYED THE DAY❗ How Super Beautiful ☀ Anyway let's just get back to the matter of today. We choose faith #TODAY..... Just how deep is the cut for you- we mean that of faith in your life? NO, NO, NO! Don't Answer!!!! It's personal to you! Here is something sweet but not that overly so: Faith spins the coin to land favourably all the time! ✔ That should be your mojo!!!!!! This is where we end. Some fruits to think about so get going 😋 See you next time, #JOY

Beautiful is Sunday whenever ! ! ! ! !

:) Why craze over miniature things when Sundays are so Beautiful... This is what other people are doing on Sundays: _Prayer for the day! ~Church a few hours! _Cook for the day! ~Feast and enjoy the feast! _Take a walk for the day! ~Exercise the mind, body and soul! _Swim for some time! ~Cool some nerves and pains! _REFLECT on life and living in life for a good while! ~FIND that thing called meaning to it all! With exceptions of those that just can't place value to life, Life Is a Pleasure to Live! A simple combination of simplicity and beauty. DON'T CAST OUT PEOPLE NOW!!!!! It doesn't mean when there are those that don't really value life, doing it ONLY when they have something to gain, you must completely let them be devoured by evil. DO SOMETHING to help change the situation!!!!! Getting Back to BEAUTIFUL Sunday:- It may be sunny for you or duller. BUT try to see its beauty because it will recognise you too! GET IT??? "In the end we s...

Sunday a Brighter Day!

In this post today, we are dwelling in the finer things of Sundays. There are birds out there, a clean breeze and occasional whistling of a passerby. Today no Church hymns- Church nearby starts around 45minutes from now. The finer things of Sunday We can laugh and it usually seems our laughter echoes to million miles away. We can rest or sleep into hours of sleep as though we are nursed into it. Ease comes naturally bringing cool breezes with it. The is no domination of anything that fills our schedule up which at the end we exhibit exhaustion of labouring. We can choose to go deep into thought or lightly flow away into our deep imbedded dreams. It is time to munch up, think of the ones without that opportunity , AND JUMP UP WITH JOY that😅 WE(you too included!) HELPED SOMEONE! #thinkSunday TO #enJOYSunday and its finer things ABSOLUTELY #TODAY TO HAVE #JOY Take the Reign, We Love You Too #TODAY   o.........

#JOY #enJOYSunday #thinkSunday __The day we Love.

Deliberate JOY__ exceptional joy ! Our thinking must include increasing the level of joy we feel for each and every day we live and spend in this planet. Happy Morning Sunday this morning :) and how is you today! Hope all is well and proper this morning! (: *Please Consider to Share our posts with friends, family and all whom you may feel to share them with. We would like for 'the peace of life' to spread to all that may be starving from it and also increase the tempo of those already filled with it. Thanks! "For today it is all about assurance!!!! Yes, certainty in 'The Good Doings' in life and the satisfaction there from. Resulting in the assurance we are guaranteed in having faith" How can one be assured that Faith Works? F» by having it is the ultimate first step ! ! ! ! ! FA» by believing in it is the next great step ! ! ! ! FAI» by applying it in your every encounter is another ! ! ! FAIT» by nurturing it through growing it is yet an...

Hi, Hope Had Hopeful Humble Happy Sunday! :) :) ...and still Humorous still

"We wish you a joyful day, We wish you a journey of lifetime, We wish you a jubilant heart, And we wish you a Challenging Life That's Filled With Solutions One After The Other!!!!!" _SUNDAY!!!!! Short is the vibe for #Today As we had a day that was quietly occupied with little this and that, we are almost exhausted. We were busy but seriously unaware that we were so involved. Now we want to: •Say sing a Sunday song at least once in a day for every other day of the week! •Salute your Faith in #Living because that's Food For Your Soul! •Cheer you up if you are feeling lost and unsafe by saying Trust In GOD through Christ our Jesus! •Say jump up before another day to ready yourself because GREAT EVERLASTING #JOY could be in it! •Let you know we love Sundays cos we love You, Life, and ourselves toO! Let this be the #VIBEforTHISSunday Exhausted! Enjoy the rest of the week with #thinkSUNDAY! (You CAN use the hashtag- #thinkSUNDAY -to help us gro...

What is Sunday doing for you today?

Is it rather what is it you are doing for Beautiful Sunday Today..... Never mind? Just think about the two Questions any ways! On this side on the other hand firstly we are writing this post. Second, there's a Church nearby and we are hearing Beautiful Hymns from the nearby distance. Finally our mind, body and soul ARE filled with #JOY and a mix of a less understood anxiety BUT which has no threat whatsoever, plus chills just thinking about this special "SUNDAY!!!!" day. What do we plan on doing today??? REFLECT, smile and share a smile, of course bath, eat, relax, and maybe a read of a scripture or two, AND ALSO do some sharing of this post on @expandyourworth via twitter as well as facebook page called 'I Just Love FAITH.' .....yes include the full stop!!!! We will also share it with various group members on facebook like a group named ('Have ZEAL!) and it is exactly going with that name excluding the brackets when you search for it! Another ...

Good Sunday to you ! ! ! ! !

Hello Again! What a Sunday for Good Health, Happiness, Smiles, Care, Reflection and all.... generous day of the week it is!    Let's start by saying Wishing You A Good Sunday!! :)  We have thus far been showering you with all that we've been able to. All of it has been because of this day called Sunday. Hopefully we've enjoyed the reads and laughed at our flops (ours and yours that is to say!) and also hoped great things for each other as well as found ways to encourage those that may be experiencing the bad side of the coin from life. It has been fabulous!  To continue this trend, we would today like to choose the word LOVE.The word love sounds pure but a pain in itself. It speaks of many beautiful memories including very sad moments for many. It also has the tendency to captivate our whole beings ending or resulting in us losing our logic in some instances. It is powerful to say the least!    Let us now extend it a bit further..... LOV...

SUNDAY got late by two days- REASONABLE RIGHT???

Hello again today 😊  A bit hectic this side for a few days AND YOU.....   Ok ok !! Did not get to post again this previous Sunday but no love lost. Some engagement that took a lot of time from this side. Four days starting Friday to be specific! That's a lot of time if you get to think about it and for some of us, two days is still a lot.     How was your weekend? Great We Believe! Otherwise if it was a little otherwise, still no love lost. Be better, Do better, Grab the good of it all with some zesty love and CARRY ON BELIEVING better is still on its way maybe even today. So go on with no love lost and know that SUNDAY!!!! STILL CARES AND STILL LOVES YOU!     Here is a little extra-something-special-for-you-all:-   Think and Plan, avoid worry. Walk and Exercise, avoid laziness. Eat for Health, avoid toxins. Love and Love Unconditionally, things can get better.   Until next time, Happy bela...

This day again ! SUNDAY!!!!

Are you loving it? Have you done some Praying? Was Church Great ⛪❓❓☑ Did you reflect while relaxing? Had a nice swim? Nice Lunch SAVOURY? No matter what you were up to, this day called for you to be PEACEFUL! Your total insides had/have to be luxurious with perfect peace. Exclude all you can But PEACE should rule on this day! This day again presents wonderful opportunities. You yourself are welcome anytime to embrace those opportunities with understanding! The understanding that those opportunities give and create a platform for your growth within? (INDEED YOUR INSIDES INSIST ON IT- lolLOL 😁😂) How Can We Help Each Other by COLLABORATIVE Communication? I invite you with a smile 😊!! @expandyourworth

One of the Special Sunday posts to everyone to read sundayIsItdotblogspotdotcom and BEYOND !!

Since it's Easter Weekend and about to end, it is a pleasant moment to get to post something special yet again. ➡ How has it been thus far? Solely A Splendour? A havoc in some way? No worry, just chill a moment and have a splendid smile to share..... Seek comfort where it's genuine! Open up and reveal your mishap so that you can revert back to relaxation. Worry pays you nothing BUT A RELAXED SOUL IS POWERFUL ❗❗ ☑ pic Ending Easter Weekend which has been full of loving and sharing is a reminder that WE ARE CARED FOR. It reiterates genuineness of love and forgiveness. How special we are‼ Nice to know! 💞pic Let's go on kindly expressing the same qualities OF LOVE and FORGIVENESS to promote KINDNESS. Earth would be much better off infested with kind people whom are caring even for all natural existence (bigger?) 🌈 picOfPlntsAnimlzHERE Shutting down, Hope your senses are still in tune as you are to happily see another Easter. You didn't over do Good Fri...


It's Sunday again! What a wonderful feeling 😵 !   It is today that we get to share news of Sunday. It is especially awesome because it is #EasterWeekend which gives us the opportunity #2share and experience FORGIVNESS?   WHY FORGIVENESS.... maybe you may ask!   It is during #Easter that so many wonderful and graceful acts of love were performed for us to express our Almighty's Love and TOTAL Forgiveness for us as HIS CHILDREN. Through His willingness we were made the focal point of the universe; to mark His forgiving Heart and intention about us ! For that it means we are LOVED and CARED FOR.   The Son of our living FATHER Jesus. The only one to be the light of souls. H e... PAYS IT ALL !!!!!   And that's so that we can live harmoniously, to cherish our lives unconditionally.     💞 #writtenBYlove. from    

SUNDAY special !!!!! SUNDAY blog for you on #EasterWeekend with FORGIVENESS and LOVE !!!!

Since it's #EasterWeekend and i'would bother me not to post anything under I might as well get on with it !     Most of us know that #Easter exists as it has been celebrated for a long long time:- God Teaches Us So. We celebrate the enormous-exceptional-love-mercy-and-grace of our-Loving-Father. It is even at this moment as this post is written, over a million and in fact millions or even billions are in it , AND Living It LOVINGLY! That shows the power of the Weekend known as Easter Weekend. Let's now get to enjoy it and celebrate it well. (: !   #HAPPYhappyEASTERweekend for the Sunday!!!! blog special.... on SundayIsItDOTblogspotdotcom (💥not to mislead you; special in this current post does not refer to deals, discounts, nor anything along those lines. It is as the word stands for- SPECIAL! Like This #EasterWeekend Is??? Hope that's noted ! )       ps: To get a t-shirt to make...