It is common to experience hardships. The path ultimately is defined by your Faith! Ultimately when you believe in Jesus Christ, His teachings and The Holy Spirit, you or one has started to see clearer! Define the path ahead through the use of The Holy Spirit. Define Your Path the safer route! All the best For Today and BEYOND what can be Comprehended. God Bless YOU all the time!
Have you seen the way yet? Don't give up on yourself! The route may be challenging, tough, tricky and not easy to keep going. But a few true things are there to see you through. Have you looked for the light? If not, maybe that is why the path may be confusing. Try again or Start trying to see why you are a strong human because you were carved well! Learn To Make Faith your Super Compass right into Wisdom. All Humans Are Pillars That Last Leaving a Milestone if they choose AND Excellency in Achieving Wisdom whilst at it Is Key. Have a wonderful, caring and blessing life. You were Blessed right from the beginning by The One who gave you this opportunity to form part Of This Enormous Beautiful Creation! Loving LORD deserving all the RESPECT. Take His Love - Christ Jesus - along with every SINGLE day UNTIL the LAST second YOU have. And spread your wings of CONQUER by wisdom & FAITH to reach the needy in life. It's a wise and faithful plus righteous thing to do. Cheers with lov...